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Gina Challis

Your Horoscope: 23rd July - 23rd August


Romance is a strong indicator in this month and you love being the centre of attention. There is a very warm feeling around the 8th and the 15th - make the most of opportunities that open up to you. Look to the past to solve money problems. Somebody may need your financial assistance - if you can help them but do not overstretch yourself. It is a good time for entering into financial commitments though such as a mortgage or similar arrangement if it is just for you. Jobwise things look positive from the first week of the month onwards. You may need to move quickly to take advantage of an offer or opportunity.



Your personal life may seem a little rocky but a confrontation will soon clear. If you are in a relationship it is an exciting time, if you are single then be on your best form around the 20th. Keep an eye on your finances - fun doesn’t always have to cost the earth. Use your imagination at work, sometimes people don’t think that you are as capable as you know that you are, but there is a huge opportunity coming your way mid month and if you stay focused on your aspirations they may just come true.



Do not take responsibility for others affairs or possessions, it will only cause friction and end in tears. At work make sure that those around you are fully aware of what you are doing - miscommunication could cause very big problems. There are changes in a close relationship which will cause you anxiety. Remember it is not over until it is over so go that extra mile. An nice trip at the end of July may open your eyes and settle your misgivings.



Your are reaching a crossroads early in the month - although it seems you have only one way to go there are several different routes you may take. Take your time. Choose to do something exciting this month - single then get out there and meet new people in different settings - in a relationship then spice it up. Any recent problems over finances will now calm down and you are able to address them rationally. For all areas it gets better from the 6th onwards.



This month is a time to utilise your existing contacts and to make new ones. You will realise early in the month that something has been holding you back and now you will be able to take the steps to return to your true self. Use the information received from an inside source to put you where you deserve to be. This is a month to face your feelings upfront and not to be afraid of opening up to those close to you. Moneywise, don’t be too quick to spend if there is something you want to splash out on make sure that it won’t cause you problems with day to day commitments.



You will be feeling very upbeat as this month progresses and there is the possibility of a new romance or friendship but be careful of secrets or hidden feelings which may lead to future problems. Some very good news in the third week and around this time your financial situation will see an uplift. There will also be an opportunity to take on extra responsibilities for which you may not be immediately rewarded, consider it as an investment for the future.



Don’t be distracted - this month may tempt you into something you may later regret but stay at this end of the rainbow don’t go chasing dreams. However, people will be attentive, if single, it could be happening, if in a relationship you are likely to be totally spoilt. Stand your ground over financial arrangements early in the month. At work maintain your professionalism especially in dealings with management or superiors.



Romance is highlighted - concentrate on those closest to you but something out of the ordinary will bring you into contact with some interesting people. Money worries should be eased in the second half of the month with some good news and you will become increasingly positive about the future. Do not take any chances unless the odds are firmly in your favour - this is not the time to be taking risks financially or personally. At work an offer may present itself but think very carefully before rushing in.



Somebody is asking for a commitment or promise but you feel reluctant to enter into something you are not to sure about. People need to understand that you need to be your own person and to maintain your own space. Travel opportunities may present themselves to you, choose the one that reflect natural beauty. Don’t hide away from money issues, face them head on, this will give you the confidence to proceed further. If you are feeling insecure at work, keep your feelings to yourself but look to your options - keep your c.v. updated and think very carefully about what others might expect of y



This is the month to forge ahead with joint plans or ventures and your co worker or partner will be a source of support. Now is the time to put into words what you feel about your feelings regarding a relationship - the more you say the better you will feel and the better things will be. If you owe money, particularly to a friend or a family member pay this back as soon as possible. You may have the opportunity to assist a person in a work environment, make sure you take it and display your own expertise.



There is something happening that is close to your heart and you need to listen to the input from family and friends. Emotionally, you are at full throttle and if you want it there is the chance of a change of direction in the first half of the month, just keep an open mind. Around the middle of the month there may be a financial bonus to come which will improve your own self confidence. This month seems to be all about partnerships, new jobs or business but progress will be slow. Take your time.



Hard work will pay off. Don’t be ashamed of playing a little bit more than usual attention to yourself. You sometimes put other people ahead of yourself. If you have been feeling some tension over a relationship recently, this will ease in the early weeks and a good conversation with no holds barred will leave you feeling much more settled. Appreciate the efforts that others make to make you feel special. Are you being fairly recompensated for what you do? Check out the market place and present this information to your superiors if you are working or look at your budget. Cash is hard earned do not just splurge it. Don’t envy a friends success - your time will come.

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